Tuesday, July 31, 2007

bathtime buddies

It's funny how kids get attached to certain toys. On this particular day Rez was in the blow-up pool outback playing with his blow-up friends. When it was time to go inside for a bath he had a complete meltdown and refused to go up without this giant giraffe which happens to be as tall if not taller than he is. Needless to say the bathtub was a bit overcrowded with him, the giraffe, his brother Neo, the snake (their other blow-up toy...my husband said I needed to clarify) and their usual bath toys.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

funny faces.

Here is one for giggles and grins. Neo is wearing GoGo's (grandma) bifocals.

Monday, July 23, 2007

the Insomniac

Saturday night my husband and I decided to give it a go and try and transition Rez from his crib to his big boy bed and get Neo used to sleeping in his own bed again. BIG mistake. Here is the timeline for the nights events...

8:30-9:00pm we get the boys ready for bed, put on pajamas and read a story (or 3)

9:00-9:30 night night boys. we lay with them one of us in each bed

9:30-10:00 Rez screams for a solid 1/2 hour

10:00-11:30 mommy endures Rez' continuous torture of eye picking, kicking, nose biting, etc.

11:30 success! the boys are asleep (supernanny would be so proud)

1:30-3:30am Urrr. the baby is up wanting his feed and to play

3:30 baby asleep. now for some much needed rest.

3:35 the dogs, for some reason, decide to give it a go and now the whole house is up again

3:35-5:45 this kid (Rez) just won't go to sleep!!

5:45-6:00 mommy gives up and puts Rez back in his crib. he's asleep within 5 minutes

6:30 guess who wants to eat again

Can someone tell me, when does it get better?

Here 's some pics of my little angel doing what he does best in his new bed...playing in it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

We are at that age...

Here are some quick pics I took of my oldest son, Neo, who is now 3 and at that age where he believes clothes are completely unnecessary. I admit that this is probably my fault as we have embarked on the fun journey known as potty training. I guess we'll be keeping company away until he outgrows this little phase.

This is the look he gave me after hearing me say "just one more" for the umpteenth time.

Friday, July 13, 2007

New Addition

After much procrastination I've started a blog to keep family and friends up to date with our ever growing family. Here is the newest addition to the geiger household, our son Rogan. He was born May 7 and is the sweetest baby.