Wednesday, July 18, 2007

We are at that age...

Here are some quick pics I took of my oldest son, Neo, who is now 3 and at that age where he believes clothes are completely unnecessary. I admit that this is probably my fault as we have embarked on the fun journey known as potty training. I guess we'll be keeping company away until he outgrows this little phase.

This is the look he gave me after hearing me say "just one more" for the umpteenth time.


Anonymous said...

Mine are at that age too! So, your oldest is three and you have a newborn? When my youngest was born, my oldest was 3.5 and my middle was 18 months. Busy times. My youngest is now two and life is getting much easier.

You're pictures are great. I look forward to coming to visit more. Please keep posting.

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog while visiting and I just wanted to say that you are not a wantabe photographer! I love your photographs and I too have boys. A 6 year old and a soon to be 3 year old and boy are they active! I too am a photography, but have yet to start my own blog (looking into it as we speak:)Love your style and I'm bookmarking keep on blogging!